Check Your Understanding – Answers

Introduction Answers

  1. True or False:

    1. False – common to each track is the requirement for a document to obtain VP and Exec approvals prior to publication.

    2. False – White Papers should not be used as a path for documents intended to become standards; the Snapshot process should be used instead.

    3. True

The Standards Development Lifecycle Answers

  1. In the correct order:

1. Initiate Project

2. Draft Development

3. Company Review

4. Approvals

5. Publications

6. Maintenance

  1. Match the labels:

New Standard

Revised Standard

  • Document Template

  • Material Developed/Contributed

  • Project Scope Charter

  • Existing Standard

  • Change Requests

  • Project Scope Charter

  1. True or False:

    1. True

    2. False – there must be at least one review.

    3. False – a consensus test is carried out to to determine the degree and sufficiency of group participation.

    4. True

  2. The Forum/Work Group Review Process …​

  1. …​ enables the Forum/Work Group to sponsor the review; to review the Change Requests submitted and formulate proposed resolutions.

  1. True or False:

    1. False – resolving Change Requests can include accepting, declining (rejecting), or accepting with modification.

    2. False – the defined level of consensus to resolve Change Requests is 75% of those voting.

    3. True

    4. False – a Requirements List must highlight what is changed from the existing standard together with linkage to the associated requirement for change.

  1. Filling in the gaps:

Prior to a document entering Company Review, it must be reviewed and approved by the Vice-President responsible for the work area, and the Director of Standards. This includes consideration of the proper usage of trademarks, brand positioning, the correct application of the document template, suitable content, the avoidance of any negative comments regarding other standards or organizations, and quality concerns.

  1. When “narrowing down rules” apply, this means …​

  1. …​ the scope of what is open to comment becomes limited, restricted to unresolved issues or newly introduced changes, in order to ensure that the draft becomes more stable as the process continues.

Developing Standards Text Answers

  1. Match the labels:

Normative Information:

Informative Information:

  • Mandatory in Standards

  • To Describe Requirements

  • Definitive

  • To Determine Conformance

  • Official

  • To Provide Explanation

  • Non-Binding

  • To Provide Guidance

  1. True or False:

    1. True

    2. True

    3. False – the preferred way for a standard to refer to itself is to use “this document”.

    4. True

  1. Heads and Tails:

1 = E; 2 = C; 3 = B; 4 = G; 5 = A; 6 = H; 7 = F; 8 = D

  1. The correct one:

    1. No – trademarks cannot be abbreviated

    2. Yes – trademarks can be used as an adjective

    3. No – trademarks cannot be used with an apostrophe

    4. No – trademarks cannot be used with a hyphen

    5. No – trademarks cannot be used as a noun

The Snapshot Process Answers

  1. Filling in the gaps:

The Snapshot process is a way to publish the interim results of an activity to develop a standard within The Open Group. It provides a mechanism for The Open Group to disseminate information on its current direction and thinking to an interested audience, in advance of the formal publication of a standard, with a view to soliciting feedback and comment. Snapshot documents have a defined lifetime, usually no more than six months. A Snapshot publication is released with no Company Review or formal approval status..

The Guide Process Answers

  1. In advance of a Guide review, …​

    1. …​ notice of at least one week will be given to the Forum/Work Group.

  2. True or False:

    1. False – the Guide review process should last at least two weeks.

    2. False – the authors of the document are asked to accept or reject any Change Requests.

    3. True

    4. True

The White Paper Process Answers

  1. True or False:

    1. False – White Papers are for promotion and marketing purposes.

    2. True

    3. False – a White Paper can be developed as a project within a Forum/Work Group or it can also be submitted independently.

    4. True

  2. True or False:

    1. True

    2. False – the authors of the document are asked to accept or reject any Change Requests.

    3. True

    4. True

Guidance for Reviews Answers

  1. The Open Group Document Review system …​

    1. …​ provides a number of different review modes: informal, formal, and company review.

  2. True or False:

    1. False – a ballot resolution held against the proposed resolutions formulated by the sponsor enables a more consistent approach in applying changes to the review document.

    2. True

    3. False – it is the submitter of the Change Request who determines its severity and nature.

  3. Heads and Tails:

1 = C; 2 = E; 3 = D; 4 = A; 5 = B

  1. True or False:

    1. True

    2. False – it is helpful to include explicit instructions for the editors.

    3. True

    4. False – when submitting a Change Request, a reason must be included as it is the opportunity to persuade other reviewers to support it.

    5. False – when submitting a high-impact Change Request that will affect multiple sections of the document, it is recommended to raise the general issue in a single place, and in that Change Request to identify all the other sections affected to indicate the extent and full impact of the issue and proposed resolution.

    6. False – if replacing a large section of text the Change Request should clearly identify the text to be replaced.

    7. True

    8. False – the “raw” Change Requests will be circulated for at least seven (7) days before a meeting will be called to assess the proposed resolutions.

    9. False – if you cannot attend the meeting, proxy positions are not permitted but written positions can be submitted at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

    10. False – “Accept as Marked” means that a problem has been acknowledged, but proposes an alternative way to resolve the problem.

    11. True

    12. True

Executable Standards Answers

  1. True or False:

  2. False – the term “should” is used intentionally to denote this is a recommendation and not a requirement.

    1. True

    2. False – a standard should be accompanied by a reference implementation or reference architecture that has been proven repeatable.

    3. False – a standard may consist of executable code that is subject to consensus-led change control.

    4. False – reference implementations are required to meet all of The Open Group guiding principles, especially Principle 5 (No legal impediment to implementation or adoption).