2 Definitions

The following terms are highlighted and defined to distinguish them from their common English usage. As such, the terms below are distinctly defined and capitalized wherever found in this Guide. The Open Group intends for these definitions to be assumed when referenced in this Guide.

2.1 Enterprise

The highest level of description of an organization used to identify the boundary encompassed by the Enterprise Architecture and EA Capability.

Note: This definition is deliberately flexible and not associated with an organization’s legal or functional boundaries. It covers monolithic organizations and extended organizations that include separate organizations connected by a mission or supply chain, as well as to the operating entities within an organization. Examples include the outsourced partners that provide manufacturing, logistics, and other support to an organization; a multi-national peacekeeping force; and a multi-billion dollar division of a Fortune 50 firm. All are enterprises.

2.2 Enterprise Architecture (EA)

Gartner defines Enterprise Architecture as “the process of translating business vision and strategy into effective enterprise change by creating, communicating, and improving the key principles and models that describe the enterprise’s future state and enable its evolution”.[3]

2.3 Enterprise Architecture (EA) Capability

The enterprise’s ability to develop, maintain, and evolve an enterprise Architecture as well as its ability to use the architecture to govern change activity in the enterprise.

2.4 Capability

A management concept that facilitates planning improvements in the ability to do something that leads to enhanced outcomes. It enables the ability to measure resources employed and outcomes or goals achieved within a specified context.

Note: Formal modeling often requires a crisp definition. Without the recurrent formal model definition debates we would not have defined the term and relied upon the simplest standard English definition as “the ability or potential for an indicated use” and “something that has the potential to be improved”.

2.5 Leader

The person tasked to lead the establishment and/or evolution of an EA Capability.

Note: This term reflects the role, rather than one of the myriad titles, that may apply.

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