Appendix A: Referenced Documents

The following documents are referenced in this document.

(Please note that the links below are good at the time of writing but cannot be guaranteed for the future.)


Muehlenkamp, R. How Many People Died in All the Wars in the 20th Century?, January 2017; refer to:


Richie, H., L. Rodés-Guirao, L., Mathieu, E., and Gerber, M., World Population Growth, April 2017; refer to:


Interview with Maurice Perks; refer to:


Cognitive Complexity, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Klein, M., What Boolean Logic Is & How It’s Used In Programming, March 2022; refer to:


Feynman, R. P., Simulating Physics with Computers, 1982, International Journal Of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 21(6/7), pp.467-488


Reductionism, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Booch, G, Discussion on the History of Software Engineering Methodologies [Interview], June 2023; refer to:


Grady Booch, Bio; refer to:


Object-Oriented Design, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Object-Oriented Programming, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Paul Homan, Bio; refer to:


Interview with Fishman, N, via email re The Three Golden Ages of Architectural Thinking, June 30, 2023


Formal Methods, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


The TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition, a standard of The Open Group (C220), April 2022, published by The Open Group; refer to:


Rouse, M., Generative AI, June 2023; refer to:


Large Language Model, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Neural Network, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Tetlow, P. and Homan, P., Engineering Ecosystems Architectures, published by IBM Academy of Technology, 2019


Furda, A. and Hedges, J., The Emerging Role of the Ecosystems Architect, March 2018; refer to:


Marshall, A., The New Age of Ecosystems, July 2014; refer to:


Davidson, S., Harmer, M., and Marshall, A., The New Age of Ecosystems: Refining Partnering in an Ecosystem Environment, July 2014; refer to:


Enterprise, Definition; refer to:


Ecosystems Architecture Update, IBM Academy of Technology, 2021


Service Economy, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Service-Dominant Logic, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Lusch, R. F. and Vargo S. L., Service-Dominant Logic: Premises, Perspectives, Possibilities, published by Cambridge University Press, June 2014


The Life Centricity Playbook: Proven Strategies for Growth and Relevance; refer to:


The Human Paradox: From Customer Centricity to Life Centricity; refer to:


The New Age of Ecosystems, IBM Institute for Business Value, 2015; refer to:


Rigby, D., Digital-Physical Mashups, September 2014; refer to:


Global Digital Disruption Executive Study, IBM Institute of Business Value, 2013


Complete Guide to GDPR Compliance; refer to:


The European Data Act, February 2022; refer to:


Data Act — Questions and Answers; refer to:


17 Goals to Transform Our World, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; refer to:


Mcleod, S., Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; refer to:


Sociotechnical System, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Tetlow, P., The Web’s Awake: An Introduction to the Field of Web Science and the Concept of Web Life, pp32-33, published by Wiley-IEEE Press, May 2007


Tetlow, P., Chapter “Some Key Questions Still Remain” in The Web’s Awake: An Introduction to the Field of Web Science and the Concept of Web Life, pp.119-120, published by Wiley-IEEE Press, May 2007


Blackmore, S., The Meme Machine, published by Oxford University Press, January 1999


Solé, R., and Goodwin, B., Signs of Life, How Complexity Pervades Biology, published by Basic Books, January 2002


Tetlow, P., Chapter “Why on the Web?” in The Web’s Awake: An Introduction to the Field of Web Science and the Concept of Web Life, pp.149-151, published by Wiley-IEEE Press, May 2007


Waldrop, M. M., Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos, published by Pocket Books, September 1992


Choose an Organizational Structure for Digital Business, published by Gartner, 2018


The Future of Your Business Ecosystem in the Age of Digital Business: A Gartner Trend Insight Report, September 2018; refer to:


Wannemacher, P., Amazon Flirts With Banks and Their Customers: Here’s What You Should Do, April 2018, published by Forrester; refer to:


Banks Must Adapt to a Platform-Dominated World, April 2018, published by Forrester; refer to: (Accessed June 18, 2019. Note: This reference is no longer available online.)


Evolve Now to Personalization 2.0: Individualization, May 2017; refer to:


The Customer Experience Ecosystem Redefined, November 2016; refer to:


Understanding Consumer Preferences Can Help Capture Value in the Individual Market, September 2017; refer to:


Stuart Kauffman, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Kauffman, S., Chapter “Darwinian Preadaptation” in Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason, and Religion, pp.131-143, published by Basic Books, February 2010


SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines; refer to:


Kelly, K., Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World, published by Basic Books, April 1995


Easley, D. and Kleinberg, J., Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World, published by Cambridge University Press, September 2010


Yachi, S. and Loreau, M., Biodiversity and Ecosystem Productivity in a Fluctuating Environment: The Insurance Hypothesis, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, pp.1463-1468, February 1999


Doak, D. F., Bigger, D., Harding, E. K., Marvier, M. A., O’Malley, R. E., and Thomas, D., The Statistical Inevitability of Stability-Diversity Relationships in Community Ecology, published in American Naturalist, pp.264-276, March 1998


Promoting Deeper Learning and Understanding in Human Networks, Laboratory for Social Machines, MIT Media Lab; refer to:


Shadbolt, N., O’Hara, K., De Roure, D., and Hall, W., The Theory and Practice of Social Machines, published by Springer, February 2019


Kauffman, S., Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason, and Religion, pp.131-143, published by Basic Books, February 2010


Kauffman, S., The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution, published by Oxford University Press, June 1993


West, G., Scale: The Universal Laws of Life and Death in Organisms, Cities, and Companies, published by W&N, May 2018


Autocatalysis, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Autocatalytic Set, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Tetlow, P., Chapter “Autocatalitic Sets” in The Web’s Awake: An Introduction to the Field of Web Science and the Concept of Web Life, pp.130-131, published by Wiley-IEEE Press, May 2007


Franklin’s Lost Expedition, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to: ://


Double Seam, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Intersection (Set Theory), Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Set Theory, Wikiepedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Graph Theory, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Haque, S. J., Graph Theory 101, August 2021; refer to:


Najera, J. Graph Theory — History & Overview, November 2018; refer to:


Seven Bridges of Königsberg, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Vatsal, Node2Vec Explained, January 2022; refer to:


Cartesian Coordinate System: Revision History, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Vector Space, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Cosine Similarity, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Vector Notation, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Google; refer to:


Sato, K. and Chikanaga, T., Find Anything Blazingly Fast with Google’s Vector Search Technology, December 2021; refer to:


van Rijsbergen, K., The Geometry of Information Retrieval, published by Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004


Widdows, D., Geometry and Meaning, published by CSLI Publications, 2004


The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy; refer to:


Homology (Mathematics), Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


ChatGPT, OpenAI; refer to:


Hallucination (Artificial Intelligence), Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Parisi, A., Zhao, Y., and Fiedel N., TALM: Tool Augmented Language Models, May 2022; refer to:


Schick, T., Dwivedi-Yu, J., Dessì, R., Raileanu, R., Lomeli, M., Zettlemoyer, L., Cancedda, N., and Scialom, T., Toolformer: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Use Tools, February 2023; refer to:


Peng, B., Galley, M., P. He, P., Cheng, H., Xie, Y., Hu, Y., Huang, Q., Liden, L., Yu, Z., Chen, W., and Gao J., Check Your Facts and Try Again: Improving Large Language Models with External Knowledge and Automated Feedback, March 2023; refer to:


Get More Leads with LinkedIn, Copilot; refer to:


Empowering Every Developer with Plugins for Microsoft 365 Copilot, May 2023; refer to:


Cai, T., Wang, X., Ma, T., Chen, X., and Zhou, D., Large Language Models as Tool Makers, May 2023; refer to:


Game Theory, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Monte Carlo Method, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language Combining OWL and RuleML, May 2004; refer to:


Semantic Web Rule Language, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to: /


Semantic Web, March 2023; refer to:


Semantic Web Standards, August 2019; refer to:


Description Logic, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Parsia, B., Sirin, E., Cuenca, B., Ruckhaus, E., and Hewlett, D., Cautiously Approaching SWRL; refer to:


Inference, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


What is Inference?; refer to:


Sherlock Holmes; refer to:


Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG); refer to:


Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency; refer to:


Stock, G., Metaman: The Merging of Humans and Machines into a Global Superorganism, published by Simon & Schuster, September 1993


Zachman International and The FEAC Institute; refer to:


Chapter “ADM and the Zachman Framework” in the TOGAF Standard, Version 8.1.1 Online, Part IV: Resource Base, published by The Open Group; refer to:


Systems Thinking, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Booch, G, Rumbaugh, J, and Jacobson, I., The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, published by Addison Wesley, May 2005; refer to:


SSADM — An Introduction; refer to:


Object-Oriented Analysis and Design; refer to:


Jackson System Development, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Petersen, K., Wohlin, C., and Baca, D., The Waterfall Model in Large-Scale Development, published by Springer, 2009; refer to:


Kumar, D., SDLC V-Model; refer to:


What is Agile?, published by Agile Alliance; refer to:


Viable System Model, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


The Viable System Model — Stafford Beer, published by Business Balls; refer to:


Object (Computer Science), Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


OOPs Object Oriented Design; refer to:


Information Hiding, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


IBM Academy of Technology, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Social Machine, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Panisson, A, The Egyptian Revolution on Twitter, February 2011; refer to:


Panisson, A, The Egyptian Revolution on Twitter, February 2011; refer to:


The Laboratory for Social Machines, MIT Media Lab; refer to:


SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines; refer to:


SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines; refer to:


SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines; refer to:


Hall, W., EPSRC. SOCIAM: The Theory and Practice of Social Machines; refer to:


Besha, P., Promoting Deeper Learning and Understanding in Human Networks; refer to:


Gaia-X; refer to:


Gaia-X; refer to:


Guha, R.V., Data Commons: Making Sustainability Data Accessible, April 2022; refer to:


Data Commons; refer to:


Ecosystems; refer to:


Lighthouse Projects; refer to:


Gaia-X Conceptual Model; refer to:


Where Did Gaia-X Go Wrong?, October 2022; refer to:


European Cloud Project Gaia-X is Stuck in the Concept Stage, April 2022; refer to:


Gartner Hype Cycle; refer to:


Ramanathan V. Guha Ramanathan, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


W3C; refer to:


Resource Description Framework (RDF); refer to:


Web Ontology Language (OWL); refer to:


SPARQL Query Language for RDF; refer to:


Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment (SWBPD) Working Group Charter; refer to:


Software Engineering Task Force (SETF); refer to:


Extensible Markup Language (XML); refer to:


Mermaid Diagramming and Charting Tool; refer to:


PlantUML at a Glance; refer to:


Plant Text — The Expert’s Design Tool; refer to:


Senary, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


ASCII Table According to Windows-1252; refer to:


Tetlow, P., Garg, D., Chase, L., Mattingly-Scott, M., Bronn, N., Naidoo, K., and Reinert, E., Towards a Semantic Information Theory (Introducing Quantum Corollas), January 2022; refer to:


Widdows, D., Kitto, K., and Cohen, T., Quantum Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence, January 2012; refer to:


Introducing ChatGPT, OpenAI, November 2022; refer to:


MDA® — The Architecture of Choice for a Changing World; refer to:


Object Management Group, Model Driven Architecture (MDA), MDA Guide Rev. 2.0, January 2014; refer to:


Meta Object Facility, Version 2.5.1, October 2016; refer to:


XML Metadata Interchange, Version 2.51, June 2015; refer to:


Common Warehouse Metamodel, Version 1.1, March 2003; refer to:


MDA Specifications; refer to:


Jeffrey, P. Z., Staab, S., Aßmann, U., Ebert, J., Zhao, Y., and Oberle, D., Ontology-Driven Software Development, published by Springer, 2013


The Cognitive Enterprise: Reinventing your Company with AI, published by BizTech Insights IBM, 2019; refer to:


Berners-Lee, T. and Hendler, J., From the Semantic Web to Social Machines: A Research Challenge for AI on the World Wide Web, published in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 174(2), pp.156-161, February 2010


Shadbolt, N., Smith, D., Simperl, E., Van Kleek, M., Yang, Y., and Hall, W., Towards a Classification Framework for Social Machines, pp.905-912, in 22nd International World Wide Web Conference, Rio De Janerio, 2013


Smart, P., Madaan, A., and Hall, W., Where the Smart Things Are: Social Machines and the Internet of Things, published in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 18(3), pp.551-575, July 2018


Lyngs, U., Binns, R., Van Kleek, M., and Shadbolt, N., So, Tell Me What Users Want, What They Really, Really Want!, March 2018; refer to:


Smart, P., The Rise of the (Social) Machines, 17th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Portugal, 2016


Luczak-Roesch, M., Tinati, R., O’Hara., K., and Shadbolt, N., Socio-Technical Computation in 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, Vancouver, 2015


Matrix (Mathematics), Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Tensor, Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia; refer to:


Gayler, R.W., Vector Symbolic Architectures Answer Jackendoff’s Challenges for Cognitive Neuroscience, published by Cornell University, December 2004; refer to:


Complete Guide to GDPR Compliance; refer to:


Society 5.0, Japanese Cabinet Office; refer to:

1. 37 million military deaths, 27 million collateral civilian deaths, 41 million victims of "democide" (genocide and other mass murder), and 18 million victims of non-democidal famine.
2. Also called the Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM).
3. Reductionism relates to any of several related philosophical ideas regarding the associations between phenomena that can be described in terms of other simpler or more fundamental phenomena. It is also described as an intellectual and philosophical position that interprets a complex system as the sum of its parts.
4. Grady’s actual words were “software engineering”, but he later agreed with the position outlined here.
1. No specific citation.
2. As a side note: human-centric thinking appears to be gradually gaining support, with an important example of joined-up ideas coming by way of Society 5.0 [174]. This reframes two kinds of relationship: between technology and society and the technology-mediated relationship between individuals and society in an effort to establish new societal structure and address human-centric challenges at scale.
3. Meaning “at or below the level of enterprise boundaries”.
4. Meaning “above the level of enterprise boundaries”.
5. A set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.
6. Taoism is an ancient eastern religion that emphasizes harmony and equality across all things. It implies that the nature of things should be self-evident, rather than imposed by some external authority.
7. Such as tools for statistical analysis, vector-based mathematics, and/or AI.
1. This text is paraphrased from the reference given.
1. Images derived from
2. As in arrays, matrices [176], tensors [177] and so on.
3. The main image is licensed from Alamy. Additional images from
4. At least in a semi-formal manner and certainly in graphical form, but also in written form (if needed in extreme cases), as all languages, natural or not, can be represented in graph form.
5. This is similar to the idea of Vector Symbolic Architectures (VSAs) which covers a family of related approaches. These can be implemented as logical connectionist systems and share a commitment to algebraic operations on distributed representations over highly dimensional (eigen) vector spaces [175].
6. In computer science, denotational semantics is an approach for providing mathematical meaning to systems and programming languages.
7. Mathematically as (0,0,0) in this case. In a Cartesian coordinate system, the origin is the point where the axes of the system intersect.
8. Using vertical vector notation.
9. As in, the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object, especially the area on the earth or moon experiencing the total phase of an eclipse. In other words a “grey area” immediately surrounding an object or idea, so that it does not have any hard edges.
10. Python® programming language.
11. “Collapse”, in the vernacular of physics.
12. DLs are a family of formal knowledge representation languages. Many DLs are more expressive than propositional logic but less expressive than first-order logic. In contrast to the latter, the core reasoning problems for DLs are (usually) decidable, and efficient decision procedures have been designed and implemented for these problems. There are general, spatial, temporal, spatiotemporal, and fuzzy DLs, and each DL features a different balance between expressive power and reasoning complexity by supporting different sets of mathematical constructors.
13. With the kind collaboration of James Hope — IBM (UK), © IBM 2024. Used with permission.
1. Structured thinking is the process of breaking down a complex problem into number of fragments and solving them individually, thereby reaching the final solution.
2. Image based upon, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
1. Refer to:
2. The Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC), is a data-encoding system developed by IBM.
3. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
4. The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is the most common character encoding format for text data in computers and on the internet.
5. A REST API (also known as RESTful API) is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services. REST stands for representational state transfer and was created by computer scientist Roy Fielding.
6. Significant engineering challenges, relating to the reading, writing, and connection of qubits, currently prevent all but the simplest of graphs being modeled directly on quantum computers.
7. nondeterministic polynomial.
1. A Context-Free Grammar (CFG) is a set of rules used to generate strings in a formal language. It is a formalism in the field of theoretical computer science and linguistics used to describe the syntax or structure of programming languages, natural languages, and other formal languages.