5. Using the GitLab Platform in the Browser

This chapter introduces the GitLab environment through the browser. Note that the screen outputs may vary to that shown as the web interface is regularly updated, however the concepts should remain the same.

Why use the Browser?

Sometimes it’s easier to make quick changes directly from the GitLab web interface than to use more advanced techniques to edit a project locally. We also use it as a way to introduce the concepts for the first time.

5.1. Accessing your Project(s)

Once you have an account on The Open Group GitLab server, you will need to access the project(s) in which you want to participate.

How you do this depends on whether you are connecting through your web browser, or working locally using a Git client. You may need to be explicitly added as a project member, and need to contact the project owner.

Accessing through the Web Browser

In the browser there is a pulldown in the top left of the screen marked “Projects”. This allows you to see the projects for which you are a member, and those you access most frequently.

GitLab Projects View
Figure 2. GitLab Projects View

5.2. Anatomy of a Project

Let us look at a very simple project, the Cats and Dogs project, one of a couple of playground projects set up to allow you to experiment.

Cats and Dogs Project Overview
Figure 3. Cats and Dogs Project Overview

The top bar has a number of pulldowns. If we look at right hand side it includes the To-Do list, and the list of Issues assigned to you.

The following are shown in Figure 3:

1 The To-Do list

The To-Do list displays a chronological list of items that are waiting for your input, all in a simple dashboard. In the dashboard you are able to mark to-do items as done.

2 The Issues list

The Issues list shows all issues assigned to you across all projects.

3 The sidebar

The sidebar contains all the features available to a project. The main ones of immediate interest are:

  • Project overview, including dashboards with details, activity (such as merge events, issue events, etc.), and releases (used to mark specific points in a project history)

  • Repository, including dashboards for files, commits, branches, tags, contributors, graph views, and the ability to compare branches or commits

  • Issues, including dashboards to display the issues lists, an issue board, manage issue labels, and manage milestones

5.3. My Hello World Example Part 1

This is a simple exercise to get you started.

  1. Create a project, called "My Hello World", with a README file

  2. Make changes to the README file

  3. Preview the changes

  4. Commit the changes

  5. View the commit history and diffs

5.3.1. Creating a Project with a README File

You can select the “New project” button from any of the project pulldowns, or using the plus icon in the navigation bar. This will present a screen, as shown in Figure 4.

GitLab New Project View
Figure 4. GitLab New Project View

On the “Blank project” tab, enter the following information:

  1. The name of your project in the “Project name” field. You cannot use special characters, but you can use spaces, hyphens, underscores, or even emoji. When adding the name, the “Project slug” will auto populate. The slug is what will be setup as the URL path to the project. If you want a different slug, input the project name first and then change the slug.

  2. The path to your project in the “Project slug” field. This is the URL path for your project that the GitLab instance will use. If the “Project name” is blank, it will auto populate when you fill in the “Project slug”.

  3. The “Project description (optional)” field enables you to enter a description for your project’s dashboard, which will help others understand what your project is about. Though it’s not required, it is a good idea to fill this in.

  4. Changing the “Visibility Level” modifies the project’s viewing and access rights for users. If you are unsure, leave as “Private”.

  5. Selecting the “Initialize repository with a README option” creates a README file so that the Git repository is initialized, has a default branch, and can be cloned (recommended)

  6. Finally, click “Create project”.

Figure 5 shows the setup for My Hello World project:

My Hello World Project
Figure 5. Creating My Hello World Project

After you click on “Create project” this will then instance the project as shown in Figure 6:

1 At this stage a single commit (save) has been made in the repository, which has created the README.md file
2 Clicking on the “Initial commit” in the center of the dashboard will show the details, as in Figure 7
The Initialized My Hello World Project
Figure 6. The Initialized My Hello World Project
The Initial Commit in My Hello World Project
Figure 7. The Initial Commit in the My Hello World Project

5.3.2. Making Changes to the README File

Clicking on the filename, as in Figure 8, will put you into a simple editor, as shown in Figure 9.

Click on the Filename to Edit
Figure 8. Click on the Filename to Edit
The Basic Web Editor
Figure 9. The Basic Web Editor

Clicking on the blue “Edit” button, takes you into a simple editor with buttons to set text attributes, as shown in Figure 10. There is also a “Preview” tab to check the output, as shown in Figure 11.

Editing the File
Figure 10. Editing the File

5.3.3. Previewing the Changes

Preview the Edits
Figure 11. Preview the Edits

5.3.4. Committing the Changes

Once you are ready, you should enter some notes about the change in the “Commit message” box, and save the change by selecting the “Commit changes” button, as shown in Figure 12.

Add a Commit Message and Save
Figure 12. Add a Commit Message and Commit

The screen will confirm the changes were committed, as in Figure 13.

Confirmation of Changes Committed
Figure 13. Confirmation of Changes Committed
1 Click on the commit summary text to view the detailed change, as shown in Figure 14.

5.3.5. Viewing the Commit History and Diffs

View the Commit Details
Figure 14. View the Commit Details

5.4. My Hello World Example Part 2

This is another simple exercise introducing the concepts of issues, branching, and merging.

  1. Create an issue for the My Hello World Project requesting a change to the README file

  2. Create a new branch for the My Hello World Project

    This is a way to work on different versions of the project at the same time.

  3. Make changes to the README file in the new branch and review the master branch

  4. Create a merge request to merge your branch into the master branch

  5. Review the merge request to merge your branch into master

  6. Complete the merge and check the resulting README file

5.4.1. Creating an Issue

When working collaboratively it is good practice to create an issue for the change you plan to propose to make to a document. Issues can allow sharing and discussion of proposals before, and during their implementation. Issues contain a variety of content and metadata, allowing flexibility in how they are used.

To submit a new issue, use the plus icon in the navigation bar, and select “New issue”.

In Figure 15 the following is shown:

1 The issue has been assigned
2 The “Description” of the issue includes a simple checklist that is used to track the progress of the issue, including development and review
Create an Issue
Figure 15. Creating an Issue

After submitting an issue, the issue is displayed again, as in Figure 16.

Issue Opened
Figure 16. Issue Opened

5.4.2. Creating a New Branch

To create a new branch, from the issue itself, select the pulldown “Create merge request”; this will reveal the option to “Create branch”.

Select Pulldown in the Issue
Figure 17. Select Pulldown in the Issue

See Figure 18:

1 Select Create branch
2 Select Create branch
3 Click on the green Create branch

The default branch name is automatically created from the issue.

Create Branch from the Issue
Figure 18. Create Branch from the Issue

You will then be returned to the dashboard, but notice:

1 The confirmation that you pushed to the new branch
2 The branch indicator now shows that you are viewing the new branch
New Branch Created
Figure 19. New Branch Created

If we revisit the issue that was originally opened we can now see, in Figure 20:

1 The “Related Branch” is recorded, along with the issue

5.4.3. Making Changes to the README File in the New Branch

In branch 1-revise-the-readme-file-for-the-part-2-simple-exercise, edit the README file.

See Figure 21:

1 The “Preview” view is shown
2 Confirms the branch that is being worked on
3 The “Target Branch” also confirms the branch that is being worked on

Click on “Commit changes” to save the changes, confirmation of which can be seen in Figure 22.

Edit the README in the Branch
Figure 21. Edit the README in the Branch
The Changes have been Committed
Figure 22. The Changes have been Committed

Review the Master Branch

Click on the project name in the top left of the sidebar, which returns you to the start page in the project on the “master” branch, as shown in Figure 23.

1 Shows the branch that is being displayed
2 Shows that the README file does not contain the changes being proposed
3 Is a shortcut to “Create merge request”
Review the Master Branch
Figure 23. Review the Master Branch

5.4.4. Creating a Merge Request to Merge your Branch into the Master Branch

An alternate way to merge the branch rather than the shortcut is from the sidebar, select “Repository” → “Branches”, then for the branch to be merged select “Merge Request”.

Branch Summary View
Figure 24. Branch Summary View

The result is shown in Figure 25:

1 Is the “Title” for the request

If you are planning on making further changes, ensure the title begins with WIP:, which is short for Work In Progress; this will prevent the change from being merged until the prefix is removed from the title.

2 Is the “Description”; using the phrase Closes #<issue number> will automatically close the issue referenced when the merge is completed
3 Lets you assign the merge request to another person, or to yourself
4 Lets you decide whether or not to delete the branch after the merge is completed; this is useful since otherwise many stale branches can be left in the repository
Create the Merge Request
Figure 25. Create the Merge Request

If the merge request has to be reviewed prior to merging then it is recommended that the title of the merge request is prefixed with WIP: pending that review. In this case the “Merge” button will be greyed out on the merge request page as shown in Figure 26.

Merge Request marked WIP pending Review
Figure 26. Merge Request Marked WIP Pending Review

5.4.5. Reviewing the Merge Request to Merge your Branch into Master

Click on “Merge Requests” in the sidebar, then merge the request. Then, as shown on the Merge Request page in Figure 27:

1 Click on the “Changes” tab
2 Review the diffs listing
Review the Merge Changes
Figure 27. Review the Merge Changes

If you have a comment for a specific line, you can click on the line number and a dialog will allow you to insert a comment in this view.

Comment Bubble Appears over Lines
Figure 28. Comment Bubble Appears over Lines

In Figure 29 we have inserted a comment on Line 9.

Inserted Comment on a Proposed Change
Figure 29. Inserted Comment on a Proposed Change

In this example, we agree to the proposed change, and in Figure 30:

1 We add the italic line example as proposed
2 We note that in the commit message
3 We commit the change
Edit the File to incorporate the Change
Figure 30. Edit the File to Incorporate the Change

Returning to the Merge Request page, we see in Figure 31:

1 The comment thread has been resolved
2 There are now two commits in the branch to be merged
3 There is a record of the comment thread
4 The additional commit is also recorded
Updated Merge Request Page
Figure 31. Updated Merge Request Page

We remove the WIP: prefix from the merge request and then return to the Issues page, and tick the checkboxes to denote the review is completed and changes have been finalized.

Figure 32 shows:

1 All tasks on the checklist have been completed
2 The issue will be automatically closed when the merge request completes
3 Click on the related merge request (see Figure 33)
Update the Issue
Figure 32. Update the Issue

5.4.6. Completing the Merge and Checking the Resulting README File

Figure 33 shows:

1 The merge will close issue #1
2 It will merge the branch into master
3 The “Merge” button is green and after the merge it will delete the source branch
View the Merge Request
Figure 33. View the Merge Request

Clicking on the “Merge” button updates the view, as shown in Figure 34 confirming:

1 The merge has completed
2 The changes were made into the master branch
3 Issue #1 is closed
View the Completed Merge Request
Figure 34. View the Completed Merge Request

Clicking on the “master” branch link, we return to the project summary showing the master branch, as shown in Figure 35:

1 The merge is shown as the last commit on the master branch
2 The README file has been updated to include the changes
3 The number of issues and merge requests is now zero
View the Master Branch Overview
Figure 35. View the Master Branch Overview

5.5. Summary

This concludes the introduction to the GitLab environment using a web browser. Here is what we accomplished:

  • Created a GitLab project

  • Changed a file and saved (committed) those changes

  • Opened an issue to propose a change

  • Started and managed a new branch with the change

  • Marked the branch as work-in-progress

  • Reviewed and commented on the proposed change in the branch

  • Resolved the comment on the proposed change

  • Updated the changes on the branch as a result of the review

  • Updated the issue to note the tasks were complete

  • Merged the branch, deleting the source branch, and automatically closing the issue

  • Confirmed the change had been merged into the master branch