Appendix A: Hints and Tips

This informative appendix contains some brief hints and tips for using Git and GitLab.

A.1. Disabling a Pipeline

If you are committing a change to the project, and do not want to trigger the build pipeline to be run, you can just add [ci skip] to the commit message and builds will be skipped.

A.2. Pushing to Remote Failed

If you are using the Brackets editor and encounter this error when doing a push of a commit, you should close the dialog popup and click on Fetch in git pane, then on Pull in the git pane, and then repeat the commit and push.

If that still fails you should check that you have permission to push to the branch. We have seen this error where a developer was attempting to push to a branch where only maintainers were allowed the operation. In that case the error message is not helpful.

A.3. Converting Markdown to AsciiDoc

The pandoc tool can be used to convert from Markdown format to AsciiDoc. The following will convert the file from markdown to AsciiDoc and output it to README.adoc.

pandoc -f markdown -t asciidoc -o README.adoc

There are a number of options you should use:

pandoc --atx-headers --wrap=preserve -f markdown -t asciidoc -o README.adoc

One thing to note is you will need to adjust the resulting headers in the output to match the document style used in The Open Group template. The following command line can do this automatically:

pandoc --atx-headers --wrap=preserve -f markdown -t asciidoc |sed -e's/^=/===/g' >README.adoc

1. If your birthday falls on the weekend, please refer to the Staff Handbook: