1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide a basic guide to using the GitLab® platform and the AsciiDoc® markup language that will enable you to collaborate with members of The Open Group to create content.

Publications Formats

This document focuses on development of publications in multiple formats using The Open Group Unified Template, with supported output formats including html, pdf, ePUB, and Antora module format. The Antora module is for use with the Portfolio of Digital Open Standards. The toolchain handles the details of the differences in source format.

The high-level structure of this document is as follows:

1.1. How to Use this Document

It is recommended that as you read this document you try out some of the examples shown.

Playground Projects

There are two playground projects set up to allow you to try out the GitLab environment:

  1. Cats and Dogs: a free-form project developing lists of cats and dogs

  2. The Cats and Dogs Standard: a project using The Open Group Standard Template

To be added to these projects, please contact Andrew Josey.